Why singing bowls have healing properties

Why singing bowls have healing properties

We live in a world full of sounds, including the wind, rain, running water, birdsong, etc., artificial music, singing, clapping, mobile phone ringtones, machine roars, etc., and even the sounds of plant growth, the rotation of cosmic stars, and the metabolism of human cells that cannot be perceived by the human ear. Sound has a profound impact on the human body, emotions, and spirit.

Sound is one of the most natural ways of treatment. Since ancient times, sound and music have been considered to have therapeutic value. Ancient Greek doctors used flutes and harps to treat mental disorders and guide sleep. Ancient Egyptians, Indians, and ancient Indians also used shaman drums, various musical instruments, and other sounds and music to treat the body and mind.

Sound is a continuous and regular vibration transmitted through air and other media. The vibration frequency per second is measured in Hz, and the audible sound frequency range for humans is 20-20000Hz. When sound is transmitted to our ears, it enters the brain along the auditory nerve for processing, and triggers the body's response by converting brain waves and chemicals in the brain, such as: changing heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension or emotional state.

When the sound of the singing bowl is perceived by the brain, it can quickly change the state of brain waves. The rhythmic, soothing sound frequency of the singing bowl can shift the Beta (β) brain wave state (normal waking consciousness) down to the Alpha (α) brain wave state (relaxed consciousness), and even reach the Theta (0) (meditation state) and Delta (δ) (deep sleep, deep healing) brain wave state, thereby stimulating deep relaxation.
Most diseases are related to emotions and stress, so healing methods that promote relaxation and help reduce stress are very effective ways to prevent disease.
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